If you've been looking for informational text WEBSITES to put on your SMARTboard for mini-lessons and guided practice, you'll want to check these out soon. We appreciate teachers sharing these informational websites with us. Guess where they learned about them...The STAR Summit!
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Newsela provides high interest articles for students in a variety of Lexile levels. Articles are organized by headings: Kids, Science, Health, Arts and more. Below are two examples of the types of texts they create for students:
"On line" entertainment aims to make wait times less boring at theme parks
By Los Angeles Times, adapted by Newsela staff
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http://newsela.com/articles/parks-lines/id/840/ |
Study shows why cookies are like cocaine for rats, maybe humans too
By The Hartford Courant, adapted by Newsela staff
Time for Kids is a website that also includes articles on current events. Click on the News tab and a menu for the latest news stories will appear. The menu includes articles on the: World, Nation, Science, Entertainment, Health, Sports, Kid Reporter Scoops, and Specials. Below is an example of a Time for Kids article:
Back in Business
The government reopens after a 16-day shutdown
Dogonews is another great website for news articles and videos. You can view them by grade levels: K-3, 3-5, 5-8, K-5, and 3-8. There is a wide variety of headings for teachers and students to pick from. You will find an article from dogonews below:
Japanese Scientists Uncover Cool Optical Illusion
Focusing on the red cross, look carefully at this picture. What do you see? White dots wriggling around in different directions and colliding? What if we tell you that the dots are not wriggling around, but are actually moving in a straight trajectory and even worse, they never meet each other at all!