Monday, March 16, 2015

Making Reading and Writing Relevant to Students

Have we said lately what awesome teachers we have in Nixa?  Here's another example of how our teachers make reading and writing relevant to students.  Cindy Enlow's 2nd graders wanted a class pet, but they didn't get one just because they wanted one.  Back in September, these second graders began earning 100 class compliments to get their class pet.  When the students were within reach of meeting their 100 class compliments goal, the work for their class pet of choice, guinea pigs, was just beginning.  

First, these eager-to-be pet owners  researched 2 different sources from their classroom's website:  

They read to find out about a guinea pigs' diet and what kind of shelter is best for this mammal.  The students learned about different types of lettuce and which ones were most nutritious for guinea pigs, and they had to figure out if their classroom would be a good habitat for guinea pigs. They also learned about a guinea pig's general care and what supplies were needed to take good care of a guinea pig.  They learned how to take notes while reading for information.

After researching, the students wrote a friendly letter to their parents to inform them about the ins and outs of guinea pig ownership.  Students used their research notes to compose their informative letters.  They shared their friendly letters with their parents explaining what they learned from their research before the break.  Did you know that guinea pigs should eat romaine lettuce rather than iceberg lettuce?  It's true.  Guinea pigs don't produce vitamin C, so it's good to feed them foods high in vitamin C.  Romaine lettuce happens to be high in vitamin C.

When students came back from Christmas break, Mr. Enlow had a surprise waiting for them.  The Century second graders were the proud owners of three guinea pigs named Blondie, Tuco, and Angel Eyes.  They were named after the main characters in Mr. Enlow's favorite western.   Since then, second graders have been feeding and cleaning up after their new, little friends. Mrs. Enlow's students absolutely love their new classroom pets, and they have become very responsible pet owners. They love holding the guinea pigs and reading to them to tame them.  Students can also use their PBIS signatures to spend time with the guinea pigs.

At parent/teacher conferences, many parents thanked Mrs. Enlow for teaching their students about responsibility in such a relevant way.  This is just one example of how Nixa teachers go above and beyond everyday to make learning relevant for students.  Thank you Nixa educators for the great job you do!  


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