Here are some sample text dependent generic questions for discussing informational texts with individuals, small groups, and the whole class. This is not a complete list, by any means, but the questions can serve as an example and help you know how to phrase questions for the Reading Standards for informational text.
Key Ideas and Details - Standards 1, 2, and 3
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas - Standards 7, 8, and 9
- What is the main idea of the text?
- What details has the author included?
- What details support the main idea?
- Summarize what you've learned about the topic in this section.
- What do you think caused _______ to happen? How do you know?
- Explain how _______ and _______ are related.
- Who is providing the information in this article?
- What is the message the author wants you to get from this text?
- Explain how two or more ideas in this text are related.
Craft and Structure - Standards 4, 5, and 6
- What does this word mean based on the context? Tell us how you figured that out the meaning.
- What are the most important words the author has used to describe this topic?
- What structure is used in this text?
- How does the narrator's point of view impact the selection of details included in this text?
- Why do you think the author chose this structure (description, compare & contrast, order & sequence/chronology, problem & solution, or cause & effect)? See chart below for more information.
- How is this article related to other articles you've read on similar topics?
- Why do you think the author included these details?
- What stands out about the ways this is written?
- Based on the order of the words in this sentence, what do you think is most important?
- Which details do you think are most important? Why?
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas - Standards 7, 8, and 9
- How do the text features contribute to your understanding of this text?
- How does the (graph, chart, diagram, etc.) help you understand the text?
- How does this paragraph fit with the rest of the text?
- Did the author include enough detail to support his main idea?
- Did the author leave out any important information you still wonder about?
- Choose a point the author makes in the text. How does the author use reasons and evidence to support the point?
- Think about the two texts on this topic. How does the perspective of each author differ? Do you agree more with one than the other? Why?
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