The beginning of the year is such an exciting (and possibly a little crazy!) time for teachers. Looking around the classrooms and hallways of Nixa would make anyone wonder, "Who needs Pinterest?!?" Yep...this can only mean one thing,'s time for the first NIXEREST of the year. Wahoo!
Setting up expectations at the beginning of the year is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things you do! Relyn Lawson's second graders made these posters about their behavior expectations after reading Pete the Cat and The Recess Queen.

Pam Clark's firsties discussed how to show they were being good listeners using their whole body as well as how to show they can be responsible mathematicians!
Consider allowing students to create their own "rule reminders" in the hallway by drawing pictures and listing expectations. This gives students ownership!
Remembering everything you need to do in your new environment can be hard! Layne Eckhardt helps her students by posting reminders about routines!
Speaking of reminders...sometimes teachers need them, too! Check out this adorable (and super useful!) hanging organizer for notes! No more walking out the door without remembering something important...well, if you remembered to put it in the organizer. HA!
Once you start jumping into content, add to your skills as you teach them, just like Cami White's editor's checklist. This is less overwhelming to students and is a great visual. Once the skill is up, the expectation is set!
Check out how Carey Davis organized her guided math tubs. All of the materials she needs for each station can be found in the tub, which can easily be carried to wherever it needs to go.
You can even greet students at the door with content review. We found the most adorable "Sound of the Day" sign in front of Josh Gasser's classroom! SHazam! (get it?)
Send us your favorite classroom ideas so we can add them to the next issue of Nixerest!
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